Inner Thigh Stretch – Seated Butterfly with Heels Close

This inner thigh stretch is common and for good reason. It’s easy to get into as long as you’re able to get down on the floor and is a perfect stretch to multitask with something one the floor like reading a book or watching a video on your tablet!
In order to get those best stretch in your inner thigh, take a moment to review your spine once you’re in position. If you can sit with a tall spine, stay on the floor and continue your stretch. If you notice that it’s hard or impossible to not round in your mid or low back, adjust your position so that you can stay in this stretch with a mostly flat back. Achieve this leaving your feet on the floor but elevating your hips. Sit on a Yoga Bolster, a firm couch cushion or even a thick rolled up mat or blanket. Your thighs and knees will be farther away from your torso in this position. By being less flexed at the hips, a tall spine is more achievable and isolates the inner thigh better. You can do this stretch with a rounded spine, just know that you’ll stretch your back as much as your inner thighs or more.
Take notice of any difference in flexibility between the right and left leg. Do your best to stretch straight down the middle even if one side is pulling more. By turning or leaning away from the side that is tighter, we encourage the imbalance to continue.

As with all static stretches, hold this position for 30 seconds at a minimum. Since it pairs so nicely with multitasking, consider staying for 2 minutes or more to encourage greater flexibility.
Not feeling like these inner thigh muscles are stretching out? Consider your hydration levels. When you are hydrated, so are you muscles, making them ready and willing to be stretched.
Addie Kelzer is a certified personal trainer and nutrition consultant. She believes that by making fitness and good food practical, her clients will hold the power to positively change their health and the health of those closest to them.