Resource Share! Fun app for drinking H2O + Recipe videos

Awesome ideas are always coming into our wheelhouse via clients and other health professionals! In an attempt to share these great resources rather than letting them stop with us, you can expect regular blog postings about them. Look for the Resource Share! heading.
Plant Nanny – Water reminder app that grows cute plants

Tracking your daily intake of water isn’t hard, but when was the last time it was FUN?! Plant nanny is an adorable tracker that helps you stay accountable to your water goal. As you feed yourself water, you water your thirsty plant and watch it grow over the days and weeks! My friend who introduced me to the app has a catalog of plants she has watered and grown to maturity. I’m a little spotty on my water consumption, hence the need for a great app to help me. So don’t worry if you have to bury your first plant or two like I did! Just plant a new one, drink a glass of water each time the app prompts you and watch your happy little plant grow.
iTunes – Read about and get it here
Android – Read about and get it here
Tasty App – Buzzfeed Tasty videos that fast forward recipes

Mouthwatering recipe videos are hard to take your eyes off! Easily view different recipes in Tasty’s signature video format and through the app you can save them or filter based on preferences. At a client consultation a few weeks ago, this app was shared with me as a resource for planning and prepping healthy-ish lunches and dinners for her soon-to-be-husband. I had to check out this awesome idea myself and refined my searches easily to include only “healthy” suggestions. You can narrow down as much as you like, I had successful results with specific searches like “healthy breakfast”, and “healthy breakfast avocado”.
iTunes – Read about and get it here
Android – Read about and get it here
NPR Article – Lost Posture: Why Some Indigenous Cultures May Not Have Back Pain

June 8, 2015

This was a great read and reinforced some of our core beliefs for reducing and preventing back pain. While a similar ‘J-Spine’ is a posture used in pilates, this renews its importance in programs, especially as clients progress out of beginner exercises. Check out the article’s side bar of Esther Gokhale’s Five Tips For Better Posture And Less Back Pain. Some of these suggestions I say myself or have heard said by Kaethe, our Pilates instructor. It’s affirming to use the same language as other professionals as this is one of the important vehicles we use to transfer education to our clients in their quest for pain reducing techniques.

Read or listen to the full article on
Comment below if you enjoyed the NPR article or are using any of the above mentioned apps! If you have a favorite healthy recipe from the Tasty app, please share!
Addie Kelzer is a certified personal trainer and nutrition consultant. She believes that by making fitness and good food practical, her clients will hold the power to positively change their health and the health of those closest to them.