Semi-homemade chicken noodles soup

Perfect for a day when you just need some comfort food!

This recipe calls for fresh ingredients that will last a while in case you don’t need them this week.

Prep work:

Place several chicken breasts in a crock pot with a small amount of water and cook on low for a few hours.. Shred or dice chicken and allow to cool.  Place 1.5 to 3 cup portions in freezer bags for use later.

When you’re ready for soup:

In a pot, add water according to soup directions plus 1 cup and chicken.
Dice onion and add to
pot. Turn heat to high.
Wash and slice carrots
into thin coins and add to the pot.
Once boiling and carrots beginning to soften, follow rest of soup directions, adding the seasoning and the noodles at this time.
Thick carrots won’t cook in your soup broth very quickly, so keep them thin.